Which DX member are U

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This is a test to see which DX member are u. Are u the memorable Shawn Micheals. Or are u The Game Triple H. Find out in this Quiz created by me My personal fav is Shawn

This is a test to see which DX member are u. Are u the memorable Shawn Micheals. Or are u The Game Triple H. Find out in this Quiz created by me. So i hope u like the quiz Good Luck

Created by: Daniel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whould u be COO of WWE or Grand Slam Guy
  2. Be good or bad
  3. Random who is better
  4. Grand Champ?
  5. Who is Cuter
  6. Help Me
  7. Shawn is better
  8. Triple H is better
  9. Jake or Logan
  10. Erika or Alissa

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