What Shawn Mendes Song Are You?

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What Shawn Mendes song are you? There are plenty of Shawn Mendes songs, but I picked two for this quiz. Which one are you? Let's find out. This should be fun.

Do not take this quiz seriously. It was meant to be fun. Have fun, and again, please do not take this quiz seriously. Pick the best answer that apploes with you. Have fun! 🙊

Created by: Girl_Almighty

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you ever put yourself down?
  2. Are you ambitious?
  3. Are you afraid to stand up for yourself?
  4. What is your favorite color out of these colors?
  5. What's your favorite animal out of these?
  6. Do you know who Shawn Mendes is? (No effect on score)
  7. Thank you for taking this quiz. 💜

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Quiz topic: What Shawn Mendes Song am I?