Which dsmp member are you? (not all of them)

Hello! This is a quiz to find out which dream smp member you are. It doesn't have every member, but it has tommyinnit, dream gogy, hannahxxrose, Niki nihachu, Wilbur soot, ranboo, tubbo, technoblade, and philza!

This is just a fun quiz so don't take it to seriously! I personally love taking quizzes and I also the dream smp so I thought why not put them together and that is exactly what I did!

Created by: Malka
  1. If your house is on fire, would you go back in to get them or would you wait for help to get them?
  2. If there is a fight, would you choose sides from the beginning or wait to see who is winning
  3. Government or no government
  4. What color?
  5. Which is better?
  6. Are you doing good in school?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Yes or no
  9. 1or 2
  10. Early bird or night owl

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Quiz topic: Which dsmp member am I? (not all of them)
