Which Dragon Are You?

This Quiz Will make you a true dragon expert you will be awnsering a quiz for toothless light furry meatlug and hookfang!!!@@@$$$%%%^^^&&&***((()))>><

GOOD LUCK. you will have a great time....###$$$%%%^^^&&&**(()*^%^&*(ZZZAAASSSDDDFFFHHHJKLLFGHJKasdfgassfffhjkl21435465769872435678980976544678909-0876543356789097654678909087645467890-987654657890987

Created by: zoe
  1. you spot a person hanging on a cliff side you think it is your pal...
  2. You test your aim...
  3. If you ever became rich and famous You'd like to...
  4. Sometimes When i day dream I think about...
  5. Would you prefer to...
  6. Are you more likely to...
  7. Continuation of the last question
  8. Would you rather teach at...
  9. Would you rather...
  10. Which pencil case would you prefer....

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon am I?

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