Which Dragon Age Faction Do You Belong In?

Hello! This was made out of pure boredom and out of fun! Hope you all enjoy. I spent a bit of time working on this, so I hope y'all have a fun time, eh?

Remember to praise Andraste, The Maker or whoever you believe in! Always keep in mind that they're always watching over you so. . . Be good, I guess??

Created by: Diemond
  1. Which tragic event hurt you the most?
  2. Pick a colour set for your armor!
  3. Pick a position!
  4. Who do you want revenge against most?
  5. Where would you like to live in?
  6. Best last names?
  7. How far would you go for your faction?
  8. If you could bring back anyone, who would it be?
  9. Favourite place in Thedas?
  10. Who do you adore the most?
  11. What's your favourite?
  12. What question do you keep asking yourself?
  13. Favourite saying?
  14. Who do you want to sucker punch most?
  15. What is love?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon Age Faction do I Belong In?
