Which Divergent faction do you belong in?

Which faction from novel and movie series Divergent are you? Are you a selfless Abnegation? An intelligent Erudite? A trustworthy Candor? A brave Dauntless? A kind Amity? Find out with this quiz!

Take this journey and find your true faction! When you finish and yours is revealed, remember: faction before blood! Your birth faction (unless revealed to be your true faction) is merely a birth location!

Created by: BurgerGurl1505
  1. Hello.
  2. This test is to see which of the five factions you belong in.
  3. Please sit down here.
  4. I will now inject a simulation serum into you. Pick one: Grey, blue, white, black or yellow.
  5. The serum is injected, you will enter the simulation soon.
  6. (The simulation starts and you see five podiums in front of you, each with a different box perched on its surface. A sign says: 'Pick one and only one.')
  7. (You open the box. Inside is...)
  8. (You stomach growls and you eat the box's contents rapidly. The podiums disappear, and are replaced by a table. Again, there is a sign telling you to take one. You take the....)
  9. (After all that, you realise you need the bathroom. You spot a row of porta-potties in the distance. You run towards them, but which one?)
  10. (After you finish attending that meeting, you open the stall door to find yourself in...)
  11. (A person walks up to you and asks for you to step out of the way so they can use the toilet.)
  12. (As you step aside, the person attempts to attack you. You...)
  13. (Your plan fails and people gather around, trying to help you. Eventually the police turn up. What do you tell them?)
  14. That was the end of one of the simulations.
  15. There are more, but we won't be doing them today. How do you feel?
  16. Hmm. Okay. Are you ready for your results?
  17. Goodbye.

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Quiz topic: Which Divergent faction do I belong in?
