Which Divergent Faction are you?

There are 5 factions in the book "Divergent". The Abnegation,(the Selfless) the Amity,(the peaceful) the Candor (the honest), the Dauntless (the fearless) and the Erudite (the intelligent).

Which faction are you in? The people in the Divergent take tests to figure out where they belong when they are 16, where they are put in a simulation, but since we don't have the technology to do that, I have created an unofficial quiz!

Created by: AP
  1. What was your favourite part of school?
  2. It's a free weekend and there are a lot of events going on in your town; a blood bank that is an hour and a half drive away a public debate about abortion, a math contest and a farming festival. Also, a new zip line just opened, which activity do you do.
  3. You are a member of a jury. You think the defendant is guilty, but the other jury members don't think so, how do you vote?
  4. You are most likely to vote for a candidate that believes a lot in.........
  5. What type of people do you have trouble getting along with?
  6. What job would you like to do?
  7. You are walking down the street and a see a homeless man, he does not have a coat and looks cold, what do you?
  8. There is a blood drive at school/work, but there is a concert you would like to go to at the same time, what do you do?
  9. You are walking down the street and see two people arguing, it looks they about to get physical, a child walks between them, what do you do?
  10. Have you ever agreed with someone just to avoid an argument?
  11. Someone has been playfully making fun of because of one your faults for a few days now, and it is staying to get on your nerves, what do you do?
  12. What do you when waiting in a long queue with a friend?
  13. How do you feel about conflict?
  14. Your friend asks "Do these glasses make me look old?" They do! What do you say?
  15. You do something wrong at school (if you aren't in school, pretend you are for a minute) and the principal asks you if you did it, what do you do?
  16. Do you enjoy debating?
  17. You are on the bus and the person across from you calls you a mean name, what do you do?
  18. What is your favourite ride at the fair?
  19. You get to your train station and the train closes it's door, and it is going to leave soon?
  20. Do you face your fears or avoid things that scare you?
  21. What job would you struggle in?
  22. Do you tend to make decisions based on logic?
  23. What were your grades like in school?
  24. You leave your cell phone at the bus stop, and need to call someone to meet you at the mall, what do you do?
  25. Are you knowledgeable?
  26. Out of these, what do you blame the most for the problems in the world?
  27. Which do you blame LEAST for the problems in the world?
  28. What is your favourite of Christmas?
  29. In elementary school, what did you do while waiting for class to start?

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Quiz topic: Which Divergent Faction am I?