Which Doraemon Character are you?

Are you in love with Doraemon’s cartoon? Have you wondered if you were sweet like Shizuka or Smart like Suneo? Then, this quiz is for you! It will show you which Doraemon character you are.

You might think: Ok, what difference does this have from other GoToQuizzes? Well, in other quizzes it only has the main 5 results: Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo and Gian but doesn’t have Dekisugi, the smart kid. Well, this quiz has Dekisugi! With 15 questions, you should start!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Are you a boy/girl?
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. What is your favourite hobby?
  4. Are you...
  5. Who do you care for the most?
  6. Who do you hate the most?
  7. You can eat anything you want! What would you pick?
  8. Doraemon allows you to have 1 gadget from the future. Which will you choose?
  9. What are your marks at school?
  10. Use an adjective that you think will suit you best.
  11. What is the bad thing about you?
  12. You accidentally hit Takeshi/Big G on the head and he’s angry. What do you do?
  13. Do you do sports?
  14. Who’s your favourite character?
  15. Last question: What will you do after the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Doraemon Character am I?
