Which Dictator Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Dictator Are You?
I got Hitler. That is interesting, but in some ways pretty good answer if you think my nature.
But where are Stalin, Lenin and other important dictators? You forgot all of them.
dieter3 -
George bush barely counts. And you're missing Lenin, Mussolini, Kim Jong Il, Mao, Pol Pot, King George III, Chavez, Castro..Che Guevara...shall I go on?
ch wasn't a dictator
I got Mussolini, and it is perfect! My sister and I used to play a game, Hitler against George Bush. This was when we were about 4. Apparently in our minds G.B. was worse, so Hitler always won. I love that you put G.B. as a dictator.
Your Result: Judas Escariot 92%
You have a heart so black you'd kill Jesus. Shame on you. On second thought, if you killed Jesus you really have no heart at all. People will read of and fear your wrath for ever.
86% Adolf Hitler
85% George Bush
80% Yassir Araffat
70% Benito Mussolini -
I got Mussolini too along with George Bush, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong Un, and Saddam Hussein on some other sites - not surprised.
1) I got Mussolini. 2) why is shrub an option. 3) you forgot Hideki tojo, Kim Jong un, and the guy who renamed China after himself, China. 4) what about Lenin, Stalin, and the guy inbetween the two.
it says i'm Obamaotsetung!
pd: Orm Stalin killed way more people than Hitler, but both they sucked!
pd2:to xhealingxhandsx: and Obama,Roosevelt(bot h),Ahmadinejad, Enver Hoxha,Tito,Bela Kun,Breshnev,etc,et c... too!
Jenny9861 -
Even though i didnt get this result i still think that George Bush is a funny result. Ha, that is a nice slap in the face to him.
scorpion1 -
I got the fuhrer then Mussolini
I got clitler
Im George. Im upset.
Bush? I shouldn't even be taking this test.
This quiz is no good I got result Hitler but I do not wish to kill human groups. My friend told me I was the new Stalin
Orm1 -
i got Pol Pot . He's exactly brutal dictator -
Where the hell are Stalin and Lenin?!
My result was Mussolini by the way. -
I'm George Bush xD
George Bush. Interesting.
needs more dictators. you're missing all my favourites!!
yurmom1 -
WTF I'm George bush? I wanted to be saddam hussein
primus1 -
Bush was not a dictator, you angry liberal!
hey i got Adolf Hitler to some guess were even
george bush...? what about josef stalin and hideki tojo? youre missing a few important ones
Mehmeh1 -
hitler shouldve won ww2
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