Which Diary Of a Wimpy Kid Character Are You?

This quiz may or may not be exactly right about which diary of wimpy kid character you are. But it's probably not that good. But I hope you like it anyway.

Sorry I didn't put any adults, it's just seven middle school kids and two high school kids. The only reason I even did this was so I could do it, And because I was bored.

Created by: Daniel
  1. What are you interested in?
  2. If you do something bad and your parents ask about it what do you do.
  3. How tall are you?
  4. Your gender
  5. Are you a prankster?
  6. Where are you from?
  7. Your age
  8. How do you spend your time on weekends?
  9. What is your hair colour?
  10. Random question, do you have a crush on Holy Hills.

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Quiz topic: Which Diary Of a Wimpy Kid Character am I?
