Which curse of blessing character are you most like?

They are characters. And you'll get assigned a character. All the characters are characters that have character personalities. Beacuse characters do character things.

They are characters that like and dislike characters. And you'll get assigned a character. All the characters are characters that have character personalities. Beacuse characters can do many character like character things that can't really do many character non character things.

Created by: Catten
  1. Do you like straightforward answers or creative veiws more?
  2. Would you consider yourself smart?
  3. Do you care about those around you?
  4. What's the point of life?
  5. Do you have regrets?
  6. What power here interest you most?
  7. Could you endure a painful rewind in time, over and over- just so you can complete a goal?
  8. Do you love yourself?
  9. Will you die or will the world die first?
  10. Are you the main character?

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Quiz topic: Which curse of blessing character am I most like?
