Which K-on character are you most like?(girls only)

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What is K-ON? K-ON is a band's name that a few people made. You may be like one of these characters in K-ON. They all have different personalities!

WHich K-ON character are you? Are you shy? Do you play the guitar? Do you travel around the world? Do you like to tease others? Check out this quiz if you are like any of the characters in K-ON!

Created by: Sunny Jin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite instrument out of these?
  2. What is the color of your hair?
  3. Which word do you like?
  4. Which of thee would you like to try?
  5. Do you like to sing?
  6. Which color do you like from these?
  7. WHat is your favorite son from these?
  8. What is your favorite songs from these?
  9. If you didn't like any song from the questions above click 1!
  10. Pick a number! (see if you can pick your favorite character)

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Quiz topic: Which K-on character am I most like?(girls only)