Which Cullen parent from Twilight are you?

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The Cullen parents- Carlisle and Esme- are all of our favourites. Right? So, now we’re going to interview you so you can have an information opinion about you.

You’re welcome! It is my honour to make this wonderful quiz… (I’ve made other quizzes, such as New Sorting Hat and Are you a cat, dog, or human.)Let’s play!

Created by: Lucy Rascal
  1. Hi there, this is my last quiz.
  2. Just joking
  3. Okay, let’s get to the questions.
  4. How do you dress?
  5. Which Twilight book do you prefer?
  6. If you could choose your results, what would they be?
  7. Do you prefer Bella or Edward?
  8. Ding-Dong! Time’s off!
  9. Yes, sorry. End of interview.
  10. Good-bye!

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Quiz topic: Which Cullen parent from Twilight am I?
