How well do you know Renesmee Cullen from Twilight?

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Hi! This quiz will test your knowledge on Renesmee Cullen, a character in the Twilight story by Stephenie Meyer. You think you can get 100? Well, then…

Take this quiz! Come on, don’t be afraid… you don’t need to get 100%! Good luck getting more than 50%, ‘cause that’s what matters: not to fail! Now, quiz time!

  1. Let’s start by an easy one! What is Renesmee’s special ability?
  2. When does she look the most like her dad?
  3. What is Bella’s nickname for her?
  4. What colour are her eyes?
  5. Now this one is really hard! What does she call the quileute werewolves?
  6. What did Jacob name Renesmee after?
  7. Who reported her to the Volturi?
  8. Which coven, else than the Cullens, react the most to Renesmee?
  9. When Bella met J. Jenks, what did she use as Renesmee’s code name?
  10. At what age will Renesmee stop aging?
  11. Which wolf does she ride to escape the Volturi?
  12. What was Renesmee’s first word?
  13. When Renesmee jumped for the first time, what did she want to catch?
  14. And finally, if Renesmee had been a boy, what would be her name?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Renesmee Cullen from Twilight?
