Which crew member are you?

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This is a quiz based on itsfunneh and the krew! Answer a few questions and you'll have the answer! good luck! (message to people that are still in 2020: the coronavirus will pass don't worry and the way to stop it is to be clean and avoid public as much as possible and wipe your groceries clean)

It will tell you traits that you have at the end of the quiz where the results are! When finished go check out how their videos are doing if you haven't watched their videos in a while and if you have not watched this channel yet go check out their content :)

Created by: Randomcucumbers
  1. Do you like potatoes?!
  2. How you describe your popularity?
  4. How magical do you believe you are?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. (a bit early question) which krew member are you hoping to get?
  7. What's you're mythical thing?
  8. taco bell
  9. Visco girl/boy, e-girl/boy, soft girl/boy
  10. female or male (random question)

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Quiz topic: Which crew member am I?
