Which Creepypasta are you?

There are many creepypastas, but today, I'll talk about 2 of my favorites, jeff the killer and ticci toby. Take my quiz and find out who you are more!

Are you jeff or toby? Find out in here! you will be satisfied by your results, I promise. :) thank you and please do give any feedback you have for me

Created by: ShinichiIzumi
  1. What do you use to kill
  2. Where do you live
  3. What would you like more
  4. What do you eat
  5. Do you like death
  6. Are you a hippy? I will kill you if you say yes. Hehe
  7. How are you right now?
  8. What do you like more?
  9. Victim of choice?
  10. You walk down a path, and someone Is standing there. He has tentacles, what do you do

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Quiz topic: Which Creepypasta am I?