Which LoZ "creepypasta" is you type?

Basically I'm doing a personally quiz on who out of the three LoZ "creepypastas" you'd be best with as a couple. I'm not using canon info though, these personalities are just opinions so... yeah!

If you decide to take this please have fun! (Most of the negative options are just what I think of myself bc I give myself depression...please don't ask. Anyway I hope you enjoy it.) Thank you!

Created by: K the LoZ fan
  1. You would describe yourself as...
  2. POV: You're at a party with you're besties and or friends you're most likely to...
  3. What's your favorite thing out of these activities?(1/2)
  4. What's you favorite thing out of these activities?(2/2)
  5. POV: You're at a restaurant and one of the cooks put something...white like a powder in your friend's food what do you do?
  6. POV: You and your friends are in danger, You're fighting for your life. You see a way of a escape what do you do?
  7. POV: You're minding you're on business when a stranger starts to approach you, they look suspicious what do you do?
  8. If you were to be a friend to one of these characters who would it be?
  9. What category do you think you'd fit into?
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz I hope you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day.

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