Which Cracker Are You?

Have you ever wondered what type of cracker you are? Well, if you have been wondering, you will no longer wait! With this quiz your life will be so much easier to deal with!

Are you a cracker??? A crispy, delicious, and super satisfying cracker? We all should be so lucky! You might be a little sweet, or a bit on the salty side. Who knows? This quiz knows! Answer each question carefully so that the truth may be revealed!

Created by: BlackWidow1000
  1. What do you like about yourself?
  2. Do you like to be alone?
  3. What are you doing on a late friday night?
  4. Do you like to eat crackers?
  5. When your're at the store there is a "Buy one get one free" sign on crackers, What is your reactoin to it?
  6. What does your name start with?
  7. What is your fav color?
  8. Pick one. (these DO effect your results)!
  9. Do you like books?
  10. Did you like this quiz? ( do not effect results)?

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Quiz topic: Which Cracker am I?