The Awesome Quiz

Once upon I was a duck because you lived in a tree but I was secretly a piece of a potato because you lied to me and betrayed my entire family. But then there was a moose who gave me an epiphany.

That epiphany was, once I ate a cracker! But you have nothing to do because no moose will ever, ever say anything to you unless you take a quiz that doesn't make sense.

Created by: helium

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. 6i5hat4e3ur2face1
  2. Your mom
  3. i'm not an ameoba
  4. ty
  5. snape snape severus snape
  6. Time for deathsies
  7. NOí”í–í’í“Å’í˜ÅŒí•O
  8. You are allowed to have up to 48 questions. You have 41 remaining.
  9. This is not a question
  10. Optional

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