Which countryhuman would be your boyfriend?

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In this test, we will discover 'quickly', and with simple questions, which of the CountryHumans fandom would be your boyfriend. (Sorry if there are errors)PS: I don't want to offend anyone with this test, I only put some of the countryhumans in the fandom.

(Certainly yes, I admit it, I was missing a LOT of countries, but when I was going to add more I couldn't xd) (I'm sorry)(I hope you like it) It took part of my imagination, I couldn't think of almost any countries...

Created by: Miss Akane_
  1. Favorite food or drink?
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Favorite country
  4. Favorite ex-power
  5. Personality
  6. Font typography
  7. Gender
  8. Religion
  9. Hair color
  10. Skin Color
  11. You liked this test??

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Quiz topic: Which countryhuman would be my boyfriend?
