Which Countryball are you?

Polandball is a webcomic that pokes fun at national stereotypes, historical conflicts, and international relations by using anthropomorphic balls representing the countries of the world. In this quiz, you will discover which country matches your personality.

Please note: this quiz is not intended to offend anyone. It is merely based on stereotypes of various nationalities and is not intended to be interpreted as fact.

Created by: Garrison
  1. Which "clique" did you belong to in high school?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. You run into someone in the hall. Do you...
  4. Do you get along well with others?
  5. Where would you spend a friday night?
  6. Pick an animal
  7. How do you work under pressure?
  8. Who are you at parties?
  9. Do you have a lot of enemies?
  10. Are you happy?

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Quiz topic: Which Countryball am I?
