Which classic bad boy (and Peter Parker) is your soulmate?

My quiz is about which boy is your soulmate. Do this quiz if you are gay, or if you are female, or possibly if you are non-binary. This is about a mix of people.

This mix of people are my friends ‘husbands’ so if it seems random just know it kinda is supposed to be, don’t judge me. I just wanted to make this quiz, ok?!

Created by: Stella Darvoo
  1. What is your favorite shiny color?
  2. What is your favorite NORMAL color?
  3. What is your type of wing?
  4. What mythical animal are you?
  5. Why are you doing this quiz?
  6. What is your gender?
  7. Someone is bullying your girlfriend/boyfriend! What do you do?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Your friend who is JUST a friend likes you! What do you do?!
  10. What color cat is best? (I know, weird question)

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Quiz topic: Which classic bad boy (and Peter Parker) is my soulmate?
