Which Christian denomination do you belong to? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
hmm.... I currently attend a nondenominational church, but I had previously believed that I possessed Catholic beliefs. Until now, I had never considered an Episcopalian Church, but now I am interested to try it out. Thanks!
love141 -
Good quiz! It nailed me as a Baptist, altho no church can or will get you to heaven! The guy who complained because he is Mormon should realize that this quiz is designed for Christians.
hmm...Kind of interesting, said I was a baptist, and it was Right, well I'm actually a southern baptist but theres not much difference...Though I don't know how Pentecostal got #2 on the list...
vtct1 -
Would have never guessed i was a puritan but i actually completely agree with the results lol cool quiz! Thank you for creating it
Arejay961 -
quite confused... I suppose I can identify with some aspects of Luther's theology, so maybe Lutheran is understandable. Calvinism seems to be high up there tho which does confuse me :s.
Doesty1 -
Got it right I'm Lutheran, but I got Episcopal for second and I have attended and very much enjoyed the Episcopal Church as well.
I got Catholic, and what do you know, I am Catholic.
sdf2 -
It is difficult for me to respect the opinion of the person\people who prepared the answer to the quiz. The grammer and spelling for example: "more better," and "churces."
This was wrong. I'm a Presbyterian, not a Methodist. (Seems to me like you forgot Presbyterian.) I hated this quiz. It was horrible.
We had some suggestions saying that they spent have used Presbyterian cause no one understood that english( i mean i word like that)
My result was Episcopalian, as I am an Anglican it got it right. Catholic is second and I would consider myself Anglo-Catholic, right again. Liked it.
It was right in saying I am closest to Methodist. I took the quiz six times on different days to make sure it wasn't random. Methodist every time.
Timely1 -
I don't even know what is a Puritan or their stands. I been hoping to attend a Primitive Baptist church (which I never did though).
verki52: First, I would ask you, "What makes you believe that you are a Christian?" Second, I would ask you, "Does it offend or concern you that might NOT be a Christian?"
does the author of the quiz know that there are Anabaptist Amish/Mennonite etc) sacraments? If so, why were they not included?
We are Christians from our past experiences but do not belong to any church, so right now we are non-denominational.
I cant believe there's no Orthodox option. Smh.
No matter, Im happy with my results.
Your Result: Catholic 91%
Still praying for the schism between East and West to fully heal.
I got baptist. I don't go to any church. But I will join baptist church now!!
Join one brother/sister! ;)
Try taking the quiz again, with diffrent answers you might get a better anwser
You got it right! 88% Catholic, that's me!
PURITAN 91%!!! YIPES. I've always seen myself as a Baptist with strong Calvinist leanings, (Baptist 89%, Calvinist 72%). I attend a Baptist church with strong Pentecostal leanings.
Lorie1 -
May I just point out that for me this quiz was wrong it said I was Episcopalian when actually I am a mormon. Sorry.
rbarlo321 -
Where are eastern and oriental orthodoxy?
Ijarkor1 -
I belong to a religious science church, what do I tell a person who thinks I am not a Christian.
verki521 -
I was raised Quaker and now am Church of England. I was placed as a Restorationist. Go figure.
Boncie1 -
I got 79% catholic? I find that kind of strange considering I go to a Protestant church. Interesting nonetheless!
Nevaeh1 -
I got Methodist. I should have known. My great grandparents were birth to death Methodists