Which character from The Wind Rises are you?

The Wind Rises is a 2013 anime film. The English dub of The Wind Rises stars Joseph Gordon Levitt, Emily Blunt, Jon Kransinski, Willam H. Macy, and Martin Short.

There are five possible characters that you could be. There's Jiro Horikoshi, Naoko Satomi, Honjo, Mr. Kurokawa, and Mrs. Kurokawa. Which of them are you?

Created by: Wind Rises
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's you favorite character?
  2. Which personality sounds like you?
  3. Which job would you want to have?
  4. Are you nice?
  5. Are you tall?
  6. Are you silly?
  7. Are you mature?
  8. Are you a fan of The Wind Rises?
  9. Are you a anime fan?
  10. Which character do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Which character from The Wind Rises am I?