Which cat are you?

HI! IN THIS QUIZ YOU CAN SEE WHAT CAT (EVIL OR GOOD AND SHE-CAT OR TOM) YOU are! I don't know what to rename myself yet. Somebody tell me what the new name should be! (Comment on: How did you die in Warriors?)


Created by: Rit
  1. Hello! You're in a dream right now but it's no message from Starclan. Now are you dark and mean or sunny and kind?
  2. Are you brave?
  3. Do you want revenge?
  4. When a clans territory is destroyed what do you do?
  5. Do you kill/fight anyone as you please?
  6. She-cat or tom?
  7. Which clan?
  8. Black with a orange front left paw and back right paw or white with reinforced claws?
  9. Rate and comment? (Doesn't effect results)
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which cat am I?
