Warriors Love Story: Part 4(by WarriorsLover666, Exile route

Recap: Last time, you had to choose between staying in ThunderClan or leaving. That was a mistake. What I really meant was that the ThunderClan route is a normal ThunderClan life. In this one, you stay in ThunderClan but things are chaotic.

What will happen next? Will your enemy or Darkrose kill you or your kits or your mate in bitter revenge? Will either of them be exiled or will Emberstar not trust you? What are you reading this for? Take the quiz to find out the answers to your questions now!

  1. You stand up and stretch. You had just awoken from a good night’s sleep. "Catch, Moonkit!" You pricked your ears as Dawnkit tossed a moss ball to her sister. Lightningkit got it first. You watched the game go on, but felt slightly uneasy . . . You felt something around. And before you could notice anything, a shadow leaped towards Moonkit. You yowled and attacked the attacker. It was Berryleaf! Between bites and scratches, you hissed, "You," bite, scratch, "Will not," kick, "Harm," another sharp bite," "My kits!"
  2. “Sorry, Fernpool! Can we talk in private?” Berryleaf asks. You think about this. Berryleaf was exiled, and then he suddenly starts attacking your kits!?
  3. You yowled for help, but obviously everyone knew what was going on. You heard a hiss and cast a swift glance at your mate fighting . . . Darkrose? What? You pricked your ears. Darkrose was hissing, "Don't. . . Rescue . . . You . . . Love me, . . .not . . . Her!" The last part was a ferocious yowl as Berryleaf crashed to the ground and snarled, "Fernpool is my one and only love."
  4. Berryleaf bashed Darkrose to the side and rushed to help you. Foxtail came in. He heard soft murmurings and fearful squeaks as Whiteberry and Hollyberry ushering your three kits into the elder's den. You felt a pang of pity for them as you heard their whimpers: "But what about mommy?" "I wanna fight with her!" "Is daddy okay?" They were three moons old, but right now they seemed like the youngest kits there were. You clawed Darkrose and your mate helped you. Finally, you were able to pin her down, but Darkrose thrashed violently. It was all you could do to wait and hold her down.
  5. Emberstar came and grabbed Darkrose by the scruff. "Jaynight and I will take care of her," he snarled through a mouthful of fur. "You two go and rest. Reassure your kits, too." At the mention of kits, both your mate's and your eyes turned to the elders' den, where three balls of fur were charging toward you. Dawnkit went under your belly while Lightningkit climbed on top of his father's back. Moonkit was in the middle between you and your mate.
  6. "Go to the nursery now," you told your kits. "Mommy and daddy will be there soon." Knowing you were okay, they scampered off to the nursery. Your mate looked up and down at you, and his gaze flickered to your ear. His tongue flicked out and licked the blood off of it, showing the scar from so, so many moons ago. You sighed at the memory, when everything was okay . . . You didn't have to pick a mate, you were just an apprentice living a simple life in your Clan . . .
  7. *Timeskip to 3 moons later* Emberstar soon jumps on the meeting place, the Highrock, and yowls, "Let all cats old enough to be apprenticed gather 'neath Highrock for a Clan--" he pauses, "exile!" Uneasy murmurs rippled throughout the camp, watching Darkrose walk towards gathering cats, trapped in between Leopardspot and your mate.
  8. You stayed inside, letting your kits nurse. Dawnkit, Moonkit, and Lightningkit were nuzzling into your belly fur. You listened to Emberstar: "Darkrose has tried to kill Fernpool’s kits. Leopardspot?" Leopardspot had some white-and tortoiseshell thing on his claw, which you realized was some of your fur, splattered with blood. "Here, Emberstar!" Leopardspot said. "Right. Darkrose will now be exiled for performing such a feat, and she shall be killed if found on our territory." (The answer below is what Darkrose is thinking, not your mate)
  9. Instead of cheering like a ceremony greeting, insults were hurled at Darkrose. "Crowfood-eater!" "Cat murderer!" "Pile of fox dung!" You winced as you heard and the kits' tiny claws dug on to your belly. You tried to keep still. Hollyberry looked at you sympathically. "It's hard knowing, isn't it? A cat tried to murder you because you are mates with Foxtail(in ThunderClan route)/Berryleaf(in Exile route) instead of her mating with ——(Berryleaf or Foxtail, whichever you chose earlier) . . ." You nodded.
  10. Emberstar continued. “I also have some good news! Berryleaf fought very bravely today, even though he was exiled. Berryleaf is now free to join ThunderClan again! Berryleaf!” “Berryleaf!” the cats cheered.
  11. Three moons passed since the incident. You cheer your kits’ names along with your mate. They weren’t kits anymore, they were apprentices now! You were bursting with pride. Soon after, near dusk, your mate asks you out for a walk. You agree. He brings you to a meadow. It was a beautiful sight: Short, fresh green grass the color of Hollyberry's eyes, with a tint of yellowish orange from the sun's rays. Tiny white, pink, blue, and purple flowers dotted the meadow, and from your left and right, you could see spruce trees in the forest were your Clan was. Slowly your mate entwines his tail with yours. "Fernpool?" he asks. "Yes, _____?" you whisper, or wanting to break the beautiful silence. You lay your head on his shoulder, and he purrs before answering. "I love you."
  12. Now. Imagine a meadow like the description above, with black silhouttes of two cats in the middle with twined tails; also, the cat on the right is laying its head on the other cat's shoulder, who sits tall. Then, at the bottom of the image, imagine a black-and-silver banner with the words: THE END in white text. You got my point of view.

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