Should you leave ThunderClan(by WarriorsLover666)?

This is a quiz about my warriors series: Warriors Love Story: Part —-(by WarriorsLover666). If you need help deciding which route to follow, take this quiz!

Remember, running away from ThunderClan is very dangerous! You could get caught by Twolegs and become a kittypet, you could get killed, or you could survive with Berryleaf! But it’s up to you! Decide carefully!

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. Ok, so, first of all, why are you taking this quiz?
  2. What is your favorite clan?
  3. Why do you want to leave?
  4. Are you aware that sneaking out of ThunderClan is tough and dangerous?
  5. If you leave ThunderClan, where will you go?
  6. What do you NEED when you leave?
  7. How would you carry your supplies?
  8. Would you tell anyone you’re leaving?
  9. How long would you stay for
  10. What transportation would you be using?

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Quiz topic: Should I leave ThunderClan(by WarriorsLover666)?

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