WHich Cartoon Character Are You?

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This is most likely not accurate on this quiz so don't sue me. I am only 11 years old... and plus I only have $88.76 so you wouldn't be getting much...

These are a bunch of random cartoon characters so yea... like Garfield, Winne the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Dora the Explorer, and things like that. Please rate and comment.

  1. Are you a girl or boy?
  2. Which would you describe yourself as?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. WHich type of environment do you like?
  5. WHich of these characters is your favorite?
  6. What type of shows/movies do you like?
  7. Which do you like to do in your free time?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What is your favorite food?
  10. What do you wanna be when you grow up?

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Quiz topic: WHich Cartoon Character am I?
