Which Character Are You from Good Witch?

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This is most likely not accurate (but I try) on this quiz so don't sue me. I am only 11 years old... and plus I only have $88.76 so you wouldn't be getting much...

I love Good Witch and it's probably one of my favorite shows on Netflix, I've just recently watched it and I think it was good so ya.. Please Rate and Comment. :)

  1. Which of these describe you best?
  2. Are you a girl or boy?
  3. WHich of these do you do for fun?
  4. What are you or want to be when you grow up?
  5. How old are you?
  6. WHat is your zodiac sign?
  7. Which of these negative traits do you have?
  8. What color is your hair?
  9. WHat is your favorite out of these options?
  10. WHo is your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I from Good Witch?
