Which Career District Are You?

So yea that’s pretty much it I have to write this paragraph so I’m just going to be rambling. Did you know that the first weapon Finnick Odair had in his games were throwing knives?

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Created by: FinnickOdair
  1. Are You a Good swimmer?
  2. What is your ideal profession
  3. What is your preferred weapon
  4. Male, Female, or other
  5. What type of weather do you live in
  6. Pick a Victor from the 75th Hunger Games
  7. Does not effect result but which district do you want to be from.
  8. I have to make 10 questions so here’s some random stuff. How you like this quiz?
  9. What district would you pick if you had all the options. Not just careers. I can’t do more than 8 answers so they’ll be grouped together
  10. Final question. What is ur training score

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Quiz topic: Which Career District am I?

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