Which BTS member is your ideal High School boyfriend?

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High School is often reminisced as one of the worst or best times of one's life. It's a time of learning, discovery and forging bonds with new people, the time where you transition from child to young adult. Whether you've finished it or not, this quiz can apply to you.

I will ask you some questions and I will ask you to answer them as precisely as you can, and you will have to pick from the options given. If you answer all the questions, you will be able to see the result. So... Which BTS member is your ideal High School boyfriend?

Created by: minxjimin
  1. If you could return to one of these ages, which would it be?
  2. My ideal date would be...
  3. I think video games are good.
  4. The next following questions will have 7 traits. You will pick which is most attractive. (this has no effect)
  5. Pick one.
  6. Pick the one that applies to you.
  7. Pick the one that applies to you.
  8. Pick one trait you hate in a partner.
  9. Sex position I like:
  10. Who do I want to get?

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Quiz topic: Which BTS member is my ideal High School boyfriend?

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