Which Breakfast Club Character Are You?

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This quiz is about The Breakfast Club. It will tell you which character you are. There are questions asking what you would do in certain situations and about you. Please take this quiz.

Which Character from The Breakfast Club Are You? There are a total of 12 questions and 5 result. The Princess, The Athlete, The Brain, The Criminal, and The Basketcase. Take this quiz to find out who you resemble.

Created by: Alexis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite Color?
  2. You open your locker and the first thing you see is...
  3. What are you in school?
  4. Why did you get detention?
  5. What are you having for lunch?
  6. What are you wearing to school?
  7. What do you carry in your "bag"
  8. Do you wear jewelry.
  9. What make-up do you wear?
  10. Please comment

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Quiz topic: Which Breakfast Club Character am I?