Which Ben 10 Alien are you?

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It is time for Battle For Dream Island´s newest Nintendo Parody Game, Four and X: Paper Jam. Are you Four, X or Two´s aliens in this bonus combination parody with Ben 10...

Which alien in The Omnitrix of Four, X and Two are you?!!!! Which one of the aliens can be used in Four´s Omnitrix, X´s Omnitrix or Two´s Omnitrix. Pick what alien you got by taking this BFDI type survey!!!!! :D

Created by: JacknJellify
  1. What color are you?
  2. Are you Mario, Luigi or Paper Mario?
  3. Pick a Letter.
  4. Do you get kidnapped by King Boo?
  5. Are you made of paper?
  6. Can you flutter jump?
  7. Do you like animals?
  8. Pick a variable/number
  9. Do you make paper copies of yourself?
  10. Are you a letter in the alphabet?

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Quiz topic: Which Ben 10 Alien am I?

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