Which Paper Tom and Jerry: The Origami King is you?

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This is honoring Super Mario: The Movie (2022) and Tom and Jerry: The Movie (2021), will you be a playable character like Tom Cat or someone else? Pick your choice by taking this survey…

Out of the five streamers in the game, what are you going to be like within The Ultimate Tom and Jerry Game with my favorite one time character coming back on screen!!!! =D

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you like paper or origami?
  3. Do you drive a Chevrolet/Chevy Corvette?
  4. What streamer you guard?
  5. You are playable in the game?
  6. Choose a character from Mario.
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What clothes you were?
  9. Do you like the movie Child’s Play?
  10. When you see a bunch of Origami Zombies, what do you do?

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