Which Atlantia Season 3 Party Do You Support?

Atlantia is a fictional nation set in the early 1980's. Following the collapse of the NUP backed reigme, democracy was reintroduced and lots of wonderful (and sometimes retarded) parties were created!

Take this quiz to find out where you stand in the Atlantian political landscape. FYI: This quiz was made on 22/09 so if it's not up to date because you c---s did some merging again don't @ me ~Love Dartfrog

Created by: Dartfrog
  1. What are your thoughts on NATO?
  2. Would you go into a coalition with the UCPA?
  3. Should taxes be raised to expand social care?
  4. Should Atlantia have an elected head of state?
  5. Nationalism or Internationalism?
  6. Should we introduce devolved governments to ethnic regions?
  7. Do you support radical change?
  8. Did President Vaibond do a good job?
  9. Ops on Asians?
  10. Which party do you expect to get?

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Quiz topic: Which Atlantia Season 3 Party do I Support?
