Which Are You? Unicorn, Pegasus, or Alicorn?

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Which will you be? A unicorn, Pegasus, or an alicorn? (an alicorn is a unicorn with wings) pls rate great on this quiz. I'm new by the way. I've already created 3 other quizzes.

If mythical creatures are your thing, take this test! Take it again if you want two accurate results. Comment about it and share it so your friends know what they are as well!

Created by: Clairefoxlover
  1. I love to heal the innocent and help out in the mortal world.
  2. Be joyous in the land and don't turn your backs on a problem.
  3. Which would you rather live in?
  4. Be gentle, like the forest that brings air.
  5. Fly in the air like the birds in spring.
  6. Choose your fav season.
  7. Choose an element.
  8. Pick one.
  9. Pick one. One will lead to greatness and one will lead to darkness.
  10. Fly or dig?

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Quiz topic: Which am I? Unicorn, Pegasus, or Alicorn?
