mlp next genoration

I created a my little pony next genoration quiz can you ace my quiz are you a alicorn unicorn pegases earth ponies but do you like it please email me if you do not like it

I created a mlp next genoration quiz can you fail my quiz are you a alidoerr rcorn unicorn pegasaaasis earth poopiesbut do you like it please email me if you did not like it

Created by: merritt
  1. what mlp pony are u
  2. who is your mother
  3. who is your father
  4. what is your coat color
  5. what is your hair color
  6. are u taking class at the school of freindship
  7. is school important
  8. what is your favorite hobby
  9. are u cool
  10. are u ready for your answers

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