What Kind Of Pony Should Your MLP Oc/ponysona Be?

Have you ever noticed that in MLP the different kinds of ponies have specific traits to them beyond horns and wings and such? Have you ever wondered what kind you would be if you were one? Well, here's your chance!

There are 10 questions in this quiz that will tell you what kind of pony you're most like out of earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus! I didn't include alicorn because it didn't seem right (no offense to people with alicorn ocs/sonas!!)

Created by: Pyromaniia
  1. What's your Harry Potter house?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. What's your sexuality?
  4. Which one of these interest you the most?
  5. What's your MBTI type? (If you aren't sure just choose a random one)
  6. Which one of these is most like you?
  7. What's your diet like?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. Who's your favorite Sonic character?
  10. Favorite main MLP character?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Pony should Ir MLP Oc/ponysona Be?
