Which are you? (Tom boy, pick me, girly girl or nerd)

Which are you? Pick me, Tom boy, girly girl or nerd. Find out in this quiz! I have a Pinterest account so if you could please check it out my account name is Torah4life. I only have 6 followers and I’m trying to grow my account so thanks

Hi I didn’t want to write a second paragraph but I just want to say it takes a lot of effort to create a quiz and know all the quizzes you take people put effort into them.

Created by: Tori
  1. If you were to go have fun where would you go?
  2. What clothing do you prefer
  3. What is your favourite subject at school
  4. Do you have a social media platform/account?
  5. What does your closet look like
  6. What movie do you like out of these
  7. Do you like OBX
  8. What party would you rather go to?
  9. Do you think I should make more quiz’s
  10. What is your gender

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Quiz topic: Which am I? (Tom boy, pick me, girly girl or nerd)
