how well do you know me (jiya matharu)

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Take this quiz and find out how I am, am I mean, nice, gaming girl, weird girl, fancy girl, cute girl, or just a normal girl. Quick easy and a clue for the quiz is that I’m not a girly girl.

doing this quiz can spill my personality. Get a good result that means your know me more and what I like. this is very easy and simple another clue is that I HATE PINK SO MUCH. Hehe

Created by: Jiya
  1. Fav colours
  2. favourite food
  3. favourite game
  4. favourite singer
  5. Do I like art.. am I creative
  6. do I like black
  7. What phrases do I use the most
  8. Am I nice
  9. am I mean
  10. do I like fruits

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me (jiya matharu)
