Which alternative FHS character are you?

I was forced against my will to create another quiz. If you're reading this, please find help, call the police, I don't care, just get me out of this quiz creating hell

Oh yeah it's another Fandom High School quiz but with different characters because apparently the other ones WERE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU so here you go, it's Olivia, Jake, Mattie, Carson, Caroline, and Gabriel

Created by: Sophie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in zodiac stuff?
  2. Back to the basics, favourite colour scheme?
  3. Flirt with them or let them come to you?
  4. How are you most likely to greet someone?
  5. Introverted or extroverted?
  6. Do you make a lot of bad decisions?
  7. Is you an art hoe?
  8. What do you value more, music or tv?
  9. Do you go outside and stuff like, of your own free will?
  10. Are you a depression?
  11. Do people find you annoying as s---?

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Quiz topic: Which alternative FHS character am I?