Which afton are you?

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Hiii this is my first quiz just find out which afton you are I guess, william, micheal, lizzy, and cc, no Mrs afton because she doesn't exist. Don't tell me that she exists because she doesnt.

I'm gonna keyboard smash to take up character space don't mind me. Jsjaksklsq0pqjsguq9qp2u4683oqy2owmzmnzvxvxfakskbsbsnxnmakdhxycoambeudonwhdixi9dowowpqpmdbxjxn

Created by: Fritz Ior foxyI
  1. Favorite food?
  2. Favorite afton?
  3. Have any siblings
  4. Would you... murder?
  5. Do you like yourself?
  6. Spaghetti?
  7. Bye! Thanks for doing my quiz!
  8. Just kidding haha! Anyways, favorite animal?
  9. What would you do if your father is a child murderer?
  10. Last question! What's your favorite animatronic out of these ones?
  11. Alright bye now this is the actual end!☆

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Quiz topic: Which afton am I?
