which afl player are you?

This quiz will determine who you are in afl. It's that simple.

good luck and see your results at the end. Maybe you will be pleased with the result and maybe not, only one way to know.

Created by: jessica
  1. do you love football
  2. who is your footy idol
  3. you mark the ball in a grand final and there is ten seconds left. your on the boundary 55 metres out. a player is leading hard but has a defender chasing him. you...
  4. what do you do when you kick a goal
  5. in your opinion who is the best player out of these in 2018
  6. who do you hate the most in the afl
  7. what role do you play in your team
  8. who would you have as a teammate
  9. outside afl what sport do you like
  10. what number would you want to wear
  11. if you went into the draft where would you pick yourself
  12. is this a good quiz

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Quiz topic: Which afl player am I?
