Spongebob Trivia

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Wow this my second quiz! This is short if you're looking for a quick quiz to play. This can be a multi player quiz for a bunch of people who like Spongebob.😆

I have no idea what to say so I'm just going to fill up space with random words like monkey forest pants and apples and stuff and I'm very very sorry

Created by: Jack
  1. In the intro, how many palm trees are shown on the island?
  2. What animal is Spongbob's pet, Gary?
  3. What does Mr.Krabs call a snail?
  4. What are two of Spongbob's cousins named?
  5. What is the name of the drink that threatens to put the Krusty Krab out of business?
  6. What is Sandy's last name?
  7. What colour is the pirate's beard in the intro?
  8. Who is Mermaid Man's arch nemisis?
  9. What is Spongbob's street name?
  10. What character arranges his socks by the alphabet?

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