Which Aethstetic animal are you

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this quiz is about what your aesthetic animal is and how you are doing. basically what your dream spirit animal is if you don't like it suck it up cause that what you are!!

this quiz is about what your aesthetic animal is and how you are doing. you are what you are and don't chang that please read all of what these say so i knwo you listening!!

Created by: Foxxie
  1. If your friends went on a trip and envited you last second what you quickly grab for the trip?
  2. What would you love to wear to a nice party?
  3. what is your favorite animal?
  4. What's your favorite princess out of these 8
  5. what's your fav show?
  6. Final question: how old are you?
  7. What is your favorite hobby?
  8. do you love to sleep?
  9. if you were too listen to a type of song what would it be?
  10. last question do you have pets?

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Quiz topic: Which Aethstetic animal am I
