Which adorable animal are you? (Pictures)

*READ PLEASE OR ELSE THE UNICORN WILL GET YOU* Here are the results: Pandtastic Panda, Magnificent Manatee, Precious Platypus, Happy Hedgehog, Marvelously Tremendous Malayan Tapir, Terrific Tiger, Kool Kitty and Perfect Puppy.

*READ PLEASE OR ELSE THE UNICORN WILL GET YOU* (I wrote it again just in case) Here are the results: Pandtastic Panda, Magnificent Manatee, Precious Platypus, Happy Hedgehog, Marvelously Tremendous Malayan Tapir, Terrific Tiger, Kool Kitty and Perfect Puppy.

Created by: PandaGirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you love animals?
  2. If you were an animal, what would be the perfect diet?
  3. Take your pick, big or small?
  4. Would you like to have a trunk? It doesn't have to be really big.
  5. Do you think wet noses are cute?
  6. This is an awkward question, but I'm just going to through it out there: DO YOU WANT TO LAY AN EGG? Or would you want to lay an egg? (You: Are you SERIOUS?)
  7. Hunting. What do you think of it?
  8. Do you like to swim?
  9. *ALERT! ALERT!* The next two questions have no effect, okay? Now, will you please rate and/or comment?
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Quiz topic: Which adorable animal am I? (Pictures)