What Graph Paper Character Are You?

Graph Paper... You've read the comics. You've seen the pictures. And as you read the pages and loved the pictures, you've always wondered... "what character am I like?" Okay, so maybe you've never thought about something like that, but aren't you curious to know?

Who are you most like? Talori? Asura? Cam? How about Rosie, or Joy? Or maybe our unintroduced character, Ve? This little nifty quiz is here to help YOU figure out which one of them you're most like! Come on! Take the quiz, and in just a few minutes you'll find your answer!

Created by: guineapig

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When faced with a challenge you...
  2. Do you usually put others before yourself?
  3. If you got into an arguement with a friend you'd...
  4. When working with a group you...
  5. Are you sensitive to others?
  6. Would you break rules to get something done?
  7. Friends would best describe you as...
  8. Your actions are guided by...
  9. Which would you prefer to do?
  10. You worst quality is that you are...
  11. In a group of people you talk...
  12. If you were at the mall and someone accidently dropped their bag of candy you'd...
  13. What character do you think you'll get as your result?

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Quiz topic: What Graph Paper Character am I?