Which 5SOS member are you?

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Hello! This quiz will tell you which 5SOS member you are (or most like). The result may not exactly describe who you are or what you are interested in, but this quiz is just for fun!

When you are done, let me know who you expected to get at the start and who got at the end! Did you expect your result to be that person or was it shocking?

Created by: Jace
  1. If you could master any musical talent, what would it be?
  2. Out of these four options, pick your favourite colour.
  3. What date is your birthday?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. Do you have (or have you had) any pets?
  6. Which of these bands do you like?
  7. Pick one of the following:
  8. What do you do too much of?
  9. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  10. Last question, who is your favourite member? (Does not affect the result!)

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Quiz topic: Which 5SOS member am I?
