Which Member of Muse Are You?

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This is a quiz to determine which member of muse you are. If you don’t like muse, I have no idea what you’re doing here, but please feel free to stay.

Please don’t try to be clever and pick the answers your favourite member would pick, because I can’t guarantee that would work anyway. Have fun, and please comment and rate.

Created by: Yes
  1. Pick an instrument:
  2. Pick a type of cheese:
  3. Pick a pet:
  4. Pick a colour:
  5. Pick some pwoper clothes:
  6. Pick a song:
  7. Pick some music:
  8. Pick a pastime:
  9. Marmite: Love it or hate it?
  10. Pick your favourite member of muse:

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Quiz topic: Which Member of Muse am I?
