which 1D boy will u marry

this Is a quiz deciding who from 1d you will marry in the future or right now explore your future on the internet with this simple amazingly accurate quiz!

have u ever wondered who is in love with you from 1d well u can find out by taking this fun quiz know your own device at home or wherever u are when u decide to take this quiz

Created by: Lydia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who do u like the best out of the 1d cuties?
  2. how much of a fan are u of 1d?
  3. are u married?
  4. let fate decide!
  5. what last name do u like the best
  6. do u like cats
  7. do u like the name Molly or Dusty
  8. would u rather have a baby girl or a baby boy
  9. do u like t.v. or computer better
  10. do u like funny or cute
  11. do u like drawing or coloring

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